Creates object with class arena_live or arena_static depending on the first argument. This method is always first in arenar workflow and you should specify all plots' parameters there.

  live = FALSE,
  N = 500,
  fi_N = NULL,
  fi_B = 10,
  grid_points = 101,
  shap_B = 10,
  funnel_nbins = 5,
  funnel_cutoff = 0.01,
  funnel_factor_threshold = 7,
  fairness_cutoffs = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05),
  max_points_number = 150,
  distribution_bins = seq(5, 40, 5),
  enable_attributes = TRUE,
  enable_custom_params = TRUE,
  cl = NULL



Defines if arena should start live server or generate static json


number of observations used to calculate dependence profiles


number of observations used in feature importance


Number of permutation rounds to perform each variable in feature importance


number of points for profile


Numer of random paths in SHAP


Number of partitions for numeric columns for funnel plot


Threshold for categorical data. Entries less frequent than specified value will be merged into one category in funnel plot.


Numeric columns with lower number of unique values than value of this parameter will be treated as factors in funnel plot.


vector of available cutoff levels for fairness panel


maximum size of sample to plot scatter plots in variable against another panel


vector of available bins count for histogram


Switch for generating attributes of observations and variables. It is required for custom params. Attributes can increase size of static Arena.


Switch to allowing user to modify observations and generate plots for them.


Cluster used to run parallel computations (Do not work in live Arena)


Empty arena_static or arena_live class object.

  • explainer List of used explainers

  • observations_batches List of data frames added as observations

  • params Plots' parameters

  • plots_data List of generated data for plots


  • explainer List of used explainers

  • observations_batches List of data frames added as observations

  • params Plots' parameters

  • timestamp Timestamp of last modification


#> Welcome to DALEX (version: 2.0.1). #> Find examples and detailed introduction at: #> Additional features will be available after installation of: ggpubr. #> Use 'install_dependencies()' to get all suggested dependencies
library("arenar") library("dplyr", quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # create a model model <- glm(m2.price ~ ., data=apartments) # create a DALEX explainer explainer <- DALEX::explain(model, data=apartments, y=apartments$m2.price)
#> Preparation of a new explainer is initiated #> -> model label : lm ( default ) #> -> data : 1000 rows 6 cols #> -> target variable : 1000 values #> -> predict function : yhat.glm will be used ( default ) #> -> predicted values : numerical, min = 1781.848 , mean = 3487.019 , max = 6176.032 #> -> model_info : package stats , ver. 4.0.2 , task regression ( default ) #> -> residual function : difference between y and yhat ( default ) #> -> residuals : numerical, min = -247.4728 , mean = 2.093656e-14 , max = 469.0023 #> A new explainer has been created!
# prepare observations to be explained observations <- apartments[1:3, ] # rownames are used as labels for each observation rownames(observations) <- paste0(observations$construction.year, "-", observations$surface, "m2") # generate static arena for one model and 3 observations arena <- create_arena(live=FALSE) %>% push_model(explainer) %>% push_observations(observations) print(arena)
#> ===== Static Arena Summary ===== #> Observations: 1953-25m2, 1992-143m2, 1937-56m2 #> Variables: construction.year, surface, floor, no.rooms, district #> Models: lm #> Datasets: #> Plots count: 36
if (interactive()) upload_arena(arena)